History of Moral Theology

The history of moral theology is still poorly understood in several areas, because it focused on the higher Middle Ages and especially on Aquinas. This is partly because most of the sources that need being investigated exist only in Latin, and many of them are yet to be made available in scientific editions.

Apart from the Middle Ages, the time of the church fathers or the modern age and the recent history with original sources in today's native languages offer a lot to discover in terms of the history of moral theology.


Currently the following research topics are being worked on:

  • „Late Medieval Ethics“ (Publikationsprojekt für den „Companion to Late Medieval Scholastic Theology“, hg.v. Ueli Zahnd und John T. Slotemaker)
    Bearbeitung: Sigrid Müller
  • “The Nature of liberum arbitrium in the Quaestiones in secunum librum Sententiarum of Petrus Johannis Olivi”
    Bearbeitung: Dominic Whitehouse
  • „Eine moraltheologische Wende? Zur Entwicklung des Gewissensverständnisses bei Karl Hörmann“
    Bearbeitung: Birgit Rath
  • „Eine kleine Geschichte der Moraltheologie“
    Bearbeitung: Sigrid Müller und Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl