Etika u dentalnoj medicini   


Nenad Polgar et. al.    

Verlag: Naklada Slap 
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2019
Sprache: Kroatisch
Hardcover: 227Seiten
ISBN-10: 978-953-191-896-1

Knjiga Etika u dentalnoj medicini nudi studentima dentalne medicine, članovima dentalnomedicinske profesije i svim zainteresiranim čitateljima pregled tema kojima se ova profesionalna etika bavi.
Polazeći od uvjerenja da dentalna medicina jest profesija i da treba zadržati karakter profesije, autori knjige promišljaju moralno-etičke implikacije naravi i identiteta dentalne medicine iz perspektive dobrobiti pacijenta kao najvažnije vrijednosti i svrhe postojanja ove profesije. Pritom se oslanjaju na relevantne uvide ove mlade podvrste profesionalne etike, ali i na vlastito iskustvo dugogodišnjeg rada u području dentalnomedicinske prakse i/ili sa studentima dentalne medicine, nadajući se da će objavljivanjem ove knjige pridonijeti svijesti o važnosti etičke refleksije u svim aspektima dentalne medicine.


The university textbook "Ethics in Dental Medicine" offers students of dental medicine, members of the dental-medical profession and all interested readers an overview of topics and issues treated by this professional ethic. Starting from the claim that dental medicine is a profession and that it ought to retain the character of profession, authors of the book reflect on various moral-ethical implications of the nature and identity of dental medicine from the perspective of the well-being of patients as the most important value and purpose of existence of this profession. Throughout the book, they rely on relevant insights of this young sub-species of professional ethic and on their own experiences obtained through many years of working in the area of dental-medical practice and/or with students of dental medicine. By publishing this book, the authors hope to raise the awareness of the importance of ethical reflection in all aspects of dental medicine.